The Greater Summerville/Dorchester County Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce, through a partnership with Robert Bosch, LLC, scholarship applications are now open for 2024 graduates.
This scholarship program is an initiative of the Chamber’s Education and Workforce Development Division whose mission is to improve our workforce and meet the challenges of global competition and rapidly evolving technology.
The Chamber, in partnership with Bosch, awards four scholarships each year to graduating seniors; two $1,000 four-year college STEM scholarships and two $500 technical college scholarships. To qualify, the graduating seniors must be from Dorchester County or graduating seniors of member business owners/employees who are in good standing with the Chamber.
The Chamber’s Education and Workforce Development Division focuses on several areas when deciding on recipients of the scholarships.
These areas are:
• Academics: We will select a student with at least a 3.5 out of a 4.0 GPA average, who might not qualify for as much financial aid.
• Need: Family income, other family members in college at the same time, and opportunities to receive financial assistance from other sources will be considered.
• School / Community / Civic I.nvolvement: Sports, band, clubs, volunteer activities through church, or other community organizations. Is the student helping others?
• Work Experience: Summer or part-time jobs, with hours worked and type of work, should be a part of the application.
• College Ability: Guidance Counselor must confirm applicant’s SAT and/or ACT scores, as well as grade point average, are acceptable for admission to a four-year institution.
Two $500 scholarships will also be awarded to two 2024 graduating seniors from Dorchester County who will attend an accredited two-year technical college in South Carolina. The Chamber’s Education and Workforce Development Division focuses on several areas when deciding on recipients of the scholarships.
These areas are:
• Academics: We will select a student with at least a 2.5 out of a 4.0 GPA average, who might not qualify for as much financial aid.
• Need: Family income, other family members in college at the same time, and opportunities to receive financial assistance from other sources will be considered.
• School / Community / Civic Involvement: Sports, band, clubs, volunteer activities through church, or other community organizations. Is the student helping others?
• Work Experience: Summer or part-time jobs, with hours worked and type of work, should be a part of the application.
• College Ability: Guidance Counselor must confirm applicant’s SAT and/or ACT scores, as well as grade point average, are acceptable for admission to a state technical college.